Saturday, May 16, 2009

General Knowledge By Neo Quiz Spot

Neo Quiz Spot is a quizzing organization based in India. We intend to improve the quizzing pattern among the commoners and aim at making learning more easier. This quiz is being provided to with an emphasis on the MBA preparing students. Try our Business Quiz for a unique quizzing experience.

1.Identify the Flag of a Country

Ans. Greece

2.His first name, which came to him by mistake, was an abbreviation of his intended name, George, which was misread by hospital officials completing the birth certificate. He was editor of the house magazine of the Cadillac Motor Co. He went on to form his own agency and was in the habit of purchasing 100 shares of stock in every new client. Name this ad guru.

Ans. Leo Burnett

3. Bedrock is a fictional place created for which cartoon?

Ans. Flintstones

4. Which film did United Insurance Company insure for Rs 11 lakh in 1998?

Ans. Taal

5. What does "Single undertaking principle" in WTO parlance signify?

Ans. Nothing is agreed unless everything is agreed to

Neo Quiz Spot is a quizzing organization based in India. We intend to improve the quizzing pattern among the commoners and aim at making learning more easier. This quiz is being provided to with an emphasis on the MBA preparing students. These questions will also be useful for IIFT and SNAP examinations. Try our Business Quiz for a unique quizzing experience.

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